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Our weekly meal plan – 30/04/2018

Good morning! It’s Monday already and time for another meal plan.

I don’t know about anyone else but the weeks (especially the weekends!) are flying by this year.

So, we are back to another meal plan and this one was very last minute this week. I am a bit disorganised over the last few days so looking at what we have in the freezer and what we can make work.

Monday –

Sausage, egg, chips and beans – starting the week with an easy meal this week.

Tuesday –.

Leftover curry and rice – We made slow cooker beef Rogan at the weekend and it was amazing so it is leftovers for us tonight.

Wednesday –

Fish – This will be decided on the day but it won’t be too complicated.

Thursday –

Burgers & chips – Again another easy meal but one everyone will eat.

Friday –

Chilli steak jacket potatoes – I found this meal on the Eat Well For Less program and it has become a bit hit in this house.

Saturday –

Freezer leftovers – We have lots of meals in the freezer already made so just planning to use some of these up.

Sunday –

Roast – Our weekly roast is back. As per usual it will be dependant on what we have on offer when the shopping arrives.

Nothing really exciting on the meal plan this week however I plan to use this week to start looking for some more recipes we can try out in the coming weeks.

If you have a family favourite recipe, why not pop it in the comment box below so I can check it out! Don’t forget you can look back at our previous meal plans here.

Our weekly meal plan 30th April 2018

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