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Our weekly meal plan – 31st January 2022

Happy Monday and welcome back to this weeks meal plan.

It feels strange that we are already at the end of January and about to enter into the 2nd month of the year already, it only feels like yesterday that it was Christmas and New Year! There were things I wanted to achieve that have just not happened this month, but there is still plenty of time to get back on track with those

Our weekly meal plan - 31st January 2022

Anyway, back to the main topic food. We have been very slack in our approach to food lately, taking the lazy way out with takeaways etc. It is this months plan to get back to 1 takeaway a week and the rest being homecooked meals. For our budget this month we need to slow down our spending on food and make sure we are only getting those things we really need. There is plenty of food in our house to do us for the month with the top-up of fresh food so this should keep the prices down.

Do you find that there are some months where meal planning and food shopping does not go to plan? It almost feels as though I give up some weeks, which really does not help our budget or our waistlines at all.

Anyway, let’s get back to this weeks meal plan,

Our weekly meal plan – 31/01/22

Monday –

Tacos – The kids usually enjoy these as they are creating their own, this time I have got both soft and crunchy tacos to appeal to everyone.

Tuesday –

Fajitas – I love chicken fajitas and this means there is a quick

Wednesday –

Oven-baked cod with new potatoes and vegetables – Sometimes it is the simple dishes that taste the best and this one we skipped last week so its back on the menu!

Thursday –

Chilli con Carne – I plan to make a big batch of this tonight to freeze for another night too. Though I have a meeting till 6.30 so I may make something else!

Friday –

Takeaway – End of week treat!

Saturday –

Steak and chips – Looking forward to a really tasty dinner that is pretty easy to make too. These steaks came with our Christmas hamper from MuscleFood so I know they are going to be good.

Sunday –

Roast or stew – I’ll leave it till the end of the week to decide what I fancy cooking, I may see what we have left to use up before then.

Our weekly meal plan - 31st January 2022

There are no new dishes on the menu and nothing fancy, just things that I know everyone will eat. I do have a few late work nights this week and on those days I may switch things around. However, if this happens I will switch it for things we have in the house rather than reaching for the takeaway menu.

I have a day off today so I am planning on writing out a list of all the meals I know everyone will eat and then the extra dishes that some of us like. I’m hoping it will give me an easy go-to list to create our meal plans going forward with a little bit of variety. I just wish that everyone liked the same things or at least similar meals as it would make our lives that little bit easier come dinner time!

If you are after some more inspiration you can check our previous weekly meal plan here. Alternatively, why not check out our Pinterest boards here for more inspiration. If you have a family favourite, even the fussiest of eaters will eat, please share it in the comments below for a little inspiration for those reading this.

Our weekly meal plan - 31st January 2022

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