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Pancake Day with Dunelm

Pancake day is tomorrow (if you didn’t already know!)

However if your house is anything like mine, pancakes are not restricted to just one day of the year. This year we have been lucky to receive a bundle from Dunelm’s to help make the perfect pancakes.


Unfortunately our original bowl did not survive the post 🙁 however a new (slightly smaller) replacement was promptly sent!


Everyone in our house loves pancakes (apart from me), Kayleigh and Ethan tend to request them on a Thursday when Daddy Vs Work has football and can easily get through 3 pancakes each.

Their favourite filing at the moment is chocolate spread (I know, I know its not the healthiest option but everything in moderation is fine!) but they also love having jam filling too.

I’ve made pancaks so many times now that I tend to just throw it in until its the right consistancy. however many sites such as BBC food have good recipes. As long as you have the right consitancy and a hot pan you are good to go!



The only other top tip I would give you is to warm up a plate in either the microwave or over. That way as one is cooked and put on the plate it keeps it warm whilst you cook the others.

Back to filings though, yesterday Kayleigh was flicking through a supermarket magazine and spotted sweet receipes for pancakes and has decided she wants to try banana, chocolate and marshamallows these week for her pudding!

What filings do you go for in your pancakes?

Ps, I forgot to take pictures of the pancakes but will upload these tomorrow!

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