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Reevoo have teamed up with Kia

As you all know last year our car was a write off in our accident. I was gutted as although our car wasn’t the top of the range, it at least ran with no problems and was big enough for all our junk! The worst part came when looking for a new car as it was done on a super tight budget and little time and patience.

Looking for a new car is a bit of a minefield and you always take into account other peoples opinions on cars, lets face it you wouldn’t buy a car if several people have had it and hated it now would you?! However how much notice do you take of reviews on a site or are you a bit septical they are just a big ploy by companies? I admit I am always a bit septical when it comes to reviews on products online, especially when they are always so positive.

However Car Manufacturer of the Year 2012 voted for by Which?, Kia, have teamed up with Reevoo to offer independently verified customer reviews, so it is sure to help make the buying process a little easier! Looking at the site it’s so easy to get a score out of 10 which makes it a little easier when breezing over the range of cars.Cee'd

One of my favourite points of the review though is they fact it has a space for + and – points so even if the product is great but it has a small flaw, you can share that.

Would you take into account reviews on Reevoo when buying a car? If you own a Kia why not leave your own review for others to read.

Is this the way forward when it comes to buying big products?


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