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Starting to think ahead to Christmas

I’m not sure if it is just me or not but does anyone else think this year seems to be flying by?! I mean it feels like yesterday that we were heading into 2020 with promise, then lockdown followed and now I am starting to think ahead to Christmas.

Now as always on the blog, we will have our Countdown to Christmas giveaway’s to help spread a little Christmas joy, however, for us, we are starting to think ahead to Christmas due to the cost that comes with it! Although we now only by for a few people, it is also starting to become more and more expensive as the kids have grown up. The average UK spend is also up by an average of £800 a month in December alone, this post from the Bank of England is quite interesting.

Starting to think ahead to Christmas

Long gone are the days where you could bulk out their gifts with cheap bits and pieces, you see they are not really interested in them and as they have both had growth spurts the cost of clothes on them is now pretty expensive. This means I have to start being a little more clever with our purchases and saving to get the money together before the big day. If you are starting to look ahead to the big day but are a little unsure where to start or how to save money, here is where I get started.

  • Set a goal – This could be a total spend including Christmas dinner etc or it could be for your presents, just having a budget in mind makes planning so much easier. If you like to plan ahead, you could use a handy saving calculator like this one from Pigly to start saving in advance for next year. This calculator could be used for more than just Christmas, it is perfect for things such as house deposits, car purchases etc.
  • Start shopping early – If you know what you are planning to buy, there is no harm in starting early. Even if it is just picking up little bits and pieces, spreading the cost will save you so much stress! Plus there is nothing worse than planning to purchase something and it is out of stock at the last minute.
  • Use cashback sites – If you are spending money online, make sure you earn yourself a little cashback as you do so. It is easy to do and quick to sign up, why not check out my post here on how to do it.
  • Make a list – Check it twice? Just kidding, I do however make a spreadsheet that has everyone we need to buy for, budget and some suggestions for gifts. This way I can tick it off as I get the presents purchased.
  • Take advantage of the offers – There are always so many offers around at Christmas, take advantage of them. However, don’t fall into the trap of the shops taking advantage of you! So many times shops increase the cost of items just before they put things on sale so you think you are saving lots of money. This is a great post for some suggestions of gifts under £15!

I know some people think there is a time that is too early to think of Christmas, however, personally when you are planning and getting organised it is never too early! Our tree never goes up until the 1st December but that doesn’t mean I can’t get organised before!

Starting to think ahead to Christmas

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