#Collaborative post
Whether you’ve been lounging on a beach, scaling the Himalayas, or maybe even recovering from surgery, the time has come to dust off that work outfit and plunge back into the professional pool. If you’re stressed out about it, you’re not alone. In fact, most people out there would want to go back to work.

Via Pexels
The Alarm Clock: Friend Or Foe?
Ah, the sweet sound of an alarm clock! It’s like music to your ears, said no one ever. Your first task in rejoining the working world is to rekindle your relationship with your alarm. Start by setting it a bit earlier each day (yes, even on weekends). This way, when the dreaded first day back arrives, you’re not tempted to hurl the clock across the room. Remember, it’s just a machine; it’s not its fault you have to get up.
Fashionably Late Or Just Late?
Dressing for work can feel like preparing for a costume party where everyone forgot the theme. Lay out your clothes the night before to avoid the morning scramble. The last thing you need is to have a first morning back at work where you used up all your emotional energy before you even left the house. Being prepared for your first day back will set you up for success and give you a feeling of control.
Inbox Zero: A Mythical Land
Your email inbox is probably a digital jungle now. While it might be tempting to simply select all and hit the “mark as read” button, approach it like a calm and collected archaeologist. Start from the oldest and work your way to the present, resisting the urge to hit ‘delete all’. Yes, it’s tempting, but there could be something important buried under all that spam.
The Art Of Small Talk
Remember human interaction? It’s like riding a bike, and you’ll be fine. Brush up on your small talk skills. A simple “How’ve you been?” can open doors, windows, and occasionally, escape routes from awkward conversations. If the reason why you’ve been off work is because of a breast reduction surgery or something private, then remember to preemptively have small talk cues ready to steer the conversation away from personal privacy.
Lunch Break: It’s Not Just For Eating
Lunchtime is not just for grabbing a bite while answering emails. It’s also about stretching those legs and getting some fresh air. Your office chair, while it might have missed you, will understand your need for space. It’s a healthy relationship. So take time on your first days back to breathe and regain control.
The Unseen Hero: Hydration
Keep a water bottle handy. Staying hydrated is like giving your brain a nice, refreshing bath. Plus, it gives you an excuse to get up now and then, which is especially handy when that meeting could have definitely been an email.
The Power Of ‘No’ (Or At Least, ‘Not Right Now’)
You’re back, and that’s great, but remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is your work to-do list. It’s okay to say ‘no’ or ‘later’ to tasks that don’t require immediate attention. Your sanity will thank you for it.
The End-Of-Day Ritual
Finally, when the clock strikes’ home time’, take a moment to tidy up your workspace. It’s like tucking in your desk for a good night’s sleep. It’ll make the next morning less daunting, and who knows, you might even start looking forward to seeing your desk’s bright, shiny face.
Returning to work after a break doesn’t have to feel like a plunge into the abyss. With a sprinkle of humour, a dash of planning, and a good old-fashioned alarm clock, you’ll be back in the swing of things in no time.