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Things to consider after having children

Things to consider after having children

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When you have kids, your whole life changes, for the better of course. Becoming a parent for the first time however does make life become a bit of a whirlwind, from lack of sleep to teething to the first day of school, they blend into one big period in your life.

However, there are lots of things to consider that maybe you don’t want to think about. For example, if you were to get poorly, how would you be able to pay the bills to keep a roof over your head? Should the worse happen, who would look after the children?

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I know it seems really morbid to discuss things like this, however, as parents the only thing we are really concerned at is them and to me making sure we can keep a roof over our heads is my main priority. Over the last few years I have found that you can’t really take your health for granted, you really don’t know what is around the corner. With that in mind, I have made sure that our critical illness cover has been sorted out and we are prepared should something happen to one of us.

When we took out our mortgage all those years ago we were told we need to have insurance for a mortgage to be approved, so it has always been in place for us. I just now need to keep an eye on it to ensure it is the best policy for our families needs.

We do still need to look at getting a will sorted out as soon as possible, I keep thinking about it then putting it off. Not because I don’t think it is important, but I just keep finding myself not doing it. It is on the list for this year, not so much if something was to happen to one of us but just in case something happened to both of us at the same time.

If like me, you’ve been putting off your will or maybe even some life insurance, now is the time to sit down and sort it out. No one knows what is around the corner and should the worse happen, we would like to know that our kids are safe and protected at all costs.

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