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Time for reflection on January 2022

Time for reflection on January 2022

Just like that, January 2022 is already done. It seems strange that the time flies by now, the months just all seem to merge into one and before you know it we are at the end of the year with just time for a bit of reflection on the previous year.

Rather than aims and goals this year, I plan to just spend a little time reflecting on what has happened in the month. Partly to remind me that it is the small steps that make the biggest change when it comes to blog and ambition but also to remind us that although we might not publicise everything that happens to us on social media, there are lots that do happen in the background and this post is a little reminder of that.

So, how kind was January to us, it’s time for a little reflection on January.

Blogging –

It has been hard work blogging in January, I don’t know why but I find it hard to get motivated when it is dark in the morning when I leave for work and dark when I get home. I just seem to hit the writer’s block when it is like this and it takes me a while to write posts that should be pretty quick to write.

With this blog taking most of my time up now, I have enlisted Daddy Vs Work to take on the smaller blogs with some help from me. I have big plans for this year and I just need to get myself a little more focused on things.

In terms of earning targets, I made these, just. It was a little like getting blood from a stone but we got there in the end. I have invested in a new planner which has come all the way over from Australia so I can’t wait to get myself organised.

Time for reflection on January 2022

The kids –

They have hit the ground running post Christmas, you don’t really get a gentle break into it when you are in high school!

Both of them have been getting on fine, though we did have a bit of a break for Ethan as he managed to contract Covid. Everyone else managed to avoid it and he was asymptomatic, just frustrating as he was housebound for 7 days before he got his 2 negative tests.

Kayleigh has had a busy month, her Netball team at school have finished their fixtures so she has switched to badminton now and also represented the school in the local school cross country competition. She never realises what she is signing up to before it’s too late! She has had followed up braces appointments and this whole process has been going really well.

Time for reflection on January 2022

Health –

We had some good news in January, my dad is currently cancer-free! He still needs to follow up with blood tests this year to ensure the levels are right but after the crap year we had last year, this is great news!

I had a follow up with my consultant too, he’s now put me back on a drink that I have to take twice a day to help keep my gut moving but also I am now going to be taking medication daily, potentially for life but we shall see. It is only a matter of time before I need to go back in and have a colonoscopy and maybe another x-ray where you take capsules before with markers in. These markers flag up on the x-ray where they are getting held up in your body.

There will be a follow-up appointment with the consultant in less than 2 months to just check in on how it is going but to be honest, no matter how it is going, I’ll just be getting on with it!

Everything else –

It feels like this month has been hard going, long hours, blogging has been tough and tiredness is real.

But, we have had a good month.

Barney our puppy has settled in really well and he has loved being able to get out for walks now. It took us a little while to get into a routine but we are there not and enjoying having another little pug in our house. I forgot just how much stuff you need to get when you get a new puppy, from a new dog bed to training leads and plenty of toys to keep him entertained. We may have spent a small fortune but he has been a great addition to our family!

Time for reflection on January 2022

February for me will all be about pushing on. Work is busy but I need to carve out time to work on my blog and take time out of everything else. I will be back doing a reflection of the previous month, every month on the blog.

How was your January?

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