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Time to refresh our home now the warmer weather is here

We’ve been in our home for over 10 years now and during that time a lot has happened.

There have been children, a wedding, new jobs, new windows, a new bathroom, AstroTurf in the garden and redecorated throughout. However, it is always an endless cycle of moving on to the next job all the time.

My thoughts have been moving to brighten up our living room which was last done about 5 years ago. In our house we have limited space and our living/dining room is the largest room in the house, so the place we all really spend most of our time.

The problem we have with the room though is the fact it can be a bit too dark, this is not helped by the fact we have dark cream & chocolate walls with brown carpet and sofa! It is all a little too dark for me. At the time we made it I really like it however as time has gone it has started to feel really small.

I’m still not sure quite what we are going to do in the room yet however there are a few plans already in place.

Firstly I would like to lighten the whole room up in wall colours however have a feature wall with a beautiful mural, this cherry blossom mural from, they have thousands of designs to pick from so I can see us using them in a couple of the rooms we are planning to renovate.

One great method to achieve luxury is to combine these neutral tones with darker shades for a high contrast look, or popping colours to make a statement in any room. This could be dark painted walls with a light brown or grey flooring. We particularly like the Stories Flooring laminate floors range as there are plenty of contemporary styles to choose.

Time to refresh our home now the warmer weather is here

Another way to make it brighter was the option to put in a skylight at one end of our room. The living room has a huge window (almost 2 meters wide!) which lets in so much light however as it is a long room the part where we have our dining room is quite dark. So, we would love to put a window in the ceiling there to brighten the whole space.

With so much to consider and the costs that are attached to decorating, I think it may be a while until we get this done however in the meantime I will keep pinning ideas and inspiration to our dream home boards on Pinterest!

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