Mummy vs Work: Streamline Your Life (We Use Cookies)

To work or not to work? The question on all new mum’s minds.

Juggling a busy job with motherhood can be a struggle for even the most organised mum. In today’s current economic climate, more and more mums are thinking about returning to work once their maternity leave ends due to the ever-rising costs of living. For some families, one income just isn’t enough to support the household; therefore being stay-at-home mum is often not an option. However, returning to work has financial and psychological implications.

The primary and most expensive problem facing the majority of mums returning to work is the cost of childcare.  Some mums are lucky enough to have willing family members to take over the child-minder role, however for most, childcare comes with an expensive price tag. According to the BBC, the national average cost of a part-time nursery placement for children under two is more than £100 per week, with prices in London exceeding £300 per week. Once this is combined with travel and commuting costs, it simply may not be financially viable to go back to work as you could end up being out of pocket.

The costs are not the only problem new mums face when going back to work. The psychological and emotional adjustment to not having your baby by your side can be extremely difficult According to the NCT ‘one in three women find it difficult or very difficult to return to work after maternity leave’.

There are some companies out there that offer the solution. Savvy Mummys, the UK’s leading group buying site for mums and their families believes in giving all mums the opportunity to work without feeling pressured into having childcare. Zoe, one of their top sales mums says, “Savvy Mummys has given me the opportunity to watch my little one grow up as well as allowing me to earn money. Returning to my old job would not have been cost-effective due to the combined expenses of childcare and transport in London. There are so many wonderful benefits working from home – the major one is that I am able to stay in control of my daily life and have the flexibility to work when I want.  I get to enjoy watching my daughter grow up as well as being able to quench my need for the working world I am used to. Working from home enables me to have the best of both worlds – I can work whenever it suits me, starting at 5am if I want to and finishing at midnight as well as having fun with my daughter in-between. I have no major expenses of travelling and certainly no wasted time on commuting. With technology as good as it is these days, there should be more employers offering this opportunity to parents.”


 Savvy Mummys is the UK’s leading family daily deals website that dedicates itself to saving mummys money. With Mum Time deals for when you have your mummy hat on and Me Time deals for when you are looking for some self indulgence; Savvy Mummys offers everything from baby clothes to childcare, toys to holidays, fitness to family activities, dining, beauty and more!

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