This is a collaborative post with Cells4Life
Umbilical cord blood is the richest and purest source of stem cells a baby will ever have, which if stored could offer a multitude of benefits. Here are five pivotal facts about umbilical cord blood from the experts at Cells4Life:
Stem Cell Richness: Umbilical cord blood contains hematopoietic stem cells, fundamental for blood cell generation, encompassing red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. The stem cells in cord blood are an approved therapy for a diverse range of ailments, spanning from metabolic and blood disorders like Diamond Blackfan Anaemia to formidable foes like leukaemia, lymphoma, and neuroblastoma.
Gentle Collection: The process of gathering umbilical cord blood is gentle and painless. Following birth, the cord is safely clamped and cut, and the residual blood in the cord and placenta is carefully collected using a sterile needle and bag, posing no harm to the baby or mother.
Compatibility Edge: Cord blood stem cells boast a unique advantage of reduced rejection risk by the recipient’s immune system compared to stem cells from alternate sources like bone marrow. This trait renders them highly valuable for stem cell transplants, especially in scenarios where finding a compatible donor proves challenging.
Versatile Storage Options: Umbilical cord blood finds a home for future use in either public or private cord blood banks. Public banks extend the cord blood to those in need, whereas private banks reserve it exclusively for the family’s use. Opting for a family bank like Cells4Life ensures complete control over the sample’s destiny, facilitating access to approved therapies, emerging treatments, and clinical trials.
Ongoing Scientific Exploration: Scientists persistently delve into umbilical cord blood’s potential in regenerative medicine and combating various medical conditions. Continuous research explores its application in therapies for ailments such as cerebral palsy, autism, and diabetes, promising avenues of hope.
Umbilical cord blood has emerged as a priceless resource, offering life-saving benefits with expanding medical applications. Thus, parents deserve to make an informed decision regarding the fate of their baby’s cord blood, acknowledging that the chance to preserve these life-saving cells arises solely at birth.