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Want To Eat Healthier? Try These Tips

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Having the desire to want to live a healthier lifestyle is a great long term goal to have. However, it’s not always an easy transition to make, especially if you’re trying to break poor eating habits. 

It all begins with having the desire and motivation to want to change your ways and diet. Once you are fully committed to it mentally then you can work on taking the right actions that can help you achieve your goal. Want to eat healthier? Try these tips so you can succeed. 

Keep A Food Diary

One tip that will help you eat healthier is to keep a food diary. Get in the habit of writing down what you’re eating and when and how much. You may start to notice patterns or that you aren’t eating as healthily as you assumed or thought. It’s important that you are honest with yourself and track every snack and meal so that you know exactly what foods you’re eating and how many calories you’re consuming. 

Avoid an All-or-Nothing Approach

If you want to eat healthier then you should also do your best to avoid an all-or-nothing approach. For example, it would be very difficult to just go cold turkey and give up all sweets and sugary foods or anything with salt. Instead, make small changes that will have a big impact over time such as cutting back on sugar by choosing to purchase vegan chocolate from Eat It Like. Keep in mind that the fewer ingredients listed or that the food item has the better. 

Cook at Home More Often

If you’re going to be successful at eating healthier in the long run then you should also get in the habit of cooking at home. Instead of eating out and ordering out all the time, you can prepare your own foods and meals in the comfort of your own home. Consider grocery shopping and meal planning on the weekends and freeze some meals that you can pull out during the busy weekdays. You’ll not only save calories by eating out less but you’ll also save money. 

Slow Down & Drink Water

Eat healthier by slowing down and eating more mindfully too. This means taking bites and chewing your food slowly and enjoying and savoring each meal to the fullest. Take your time and be aware when you become full and you’re done for the moment. When you overeat this is usually when you are more prone to gain weight over time. Also, stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day to keep your tummy full and not feel as many cravings for unhealthy food choices. 


You now have a good idea of what you can be doing to eat healthier and change your diet and habits for the better. There are many rewards and benefits that come with doing so and, therefore, it’s worth giving it a try. If you happen to have setbacks then all you can do is reset and give it another go at the next meal you eat or the following day.