Mummy vs Work: Streamline Your Life (We Use Cookies)

Our weekly meal plan – 01/05/17

Wow May is here already, how fast have the first few months of the year gone?

You know the drill by now, Monday is the day for our weekly meal plan.

This month we are also trying to cut our food bill as we spend far too much money on food. If you want to keep up to date with how we are getting on with this and how we plan to cut these costs, head over to my new blog Savvy Squirrel and you can read all about it over there.

So the plan for this week? As like the last few weeks, it is simple meals and ones that we have all the ingredients in for. If for whatever reason we don’t stick to the menu we just move meals around.

Monday –

Roast chicken & salad – We had leftovers to use up yesterday instead so we moved the roast over till today.

Tuesday –

Tuna pasta – Kids favourite and really easy to make.

Wednesday –

Chicken tikka masala – This recipe is from the Hairy Bikers, never tried it so hoping it is nice.

Thursday –

Spicy pork rice – Again another recipe from the Hairy Bikers. This is delicious!

Friday –

Cod & potatoes – Still didn’t use it last week so its on this weeks menu.

Saturday –

Burgers & wedges – I have burgers and potatoes to use up so this is a simple dinner.

Sunday –

Roast – Not sure which one, something simple!

What’s on your meal plan this week?

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