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Our weekly meal plan 05/02/2018

Our weekly meal plan 05/02/2018

Good morning & welcome to our first meal plan of February!

I hope January treated you well and hooray to finally getting paid, though it seems to have all gone back out again on the usual monthly bills.

If you are still looking for some meal inspirations why not check out this round up of 15 tasty meals.

So, what are we cooking this week?

Monday –

Leftover beef stew – We made stew in the slow cooker yesterday and it was amazing! So tonight, we have leftovers, yummy!

Tuesday –

Haddock & potatoes – Tuesday is turning into fish day in this house. Haddock is just so simple to cook but tasty and filling too.

Wednesday –

Sausage, chips & beans – Easy and delicious! This may turn into sausage stew depending on how we are feeling on the day.

Thursday –

Vegetable chow mein – I found this recipe when ordering our shopping so thought it would be a good one to try out.

Friday –

Homemade pizza – We are going to attempt pizza dough in the breadmaker and try to make our own pizzas tonight.

Saturday –

Gammon in the slow cooker – Not sure what we will have with it yet however you can’t beat a nice and easy gammon from the slow cooker.

Sunday –

Roast – As per normal it will be dependant on what we have on offer this week.

Easy but delicious meals this week in our household, what is cooking in yours?

Our weekly meal plan 050218

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