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Our weekly meal plan – 05/06/17

Hello June & welcome back to our next meal plan.

With everything returning to normal this week we are going to go back to easy meals so we are not chained to the kitchen in the evenings.

Monday –

Slow cooker chicken and salad – It’s back to swimming for the kids so we are going for an easy dinner after tonight!

Tuesday –

Curry – I have some beef and chicken in the freezer so I am going to make a curry, just not sure which one!

Wednesday –

Pasta – We will have pasta and spinach, the kids no doubt will have tuna pasta bake.

Thursday –

Fish – We have a freezer full of fish following a trip to Costco recently so I will see what we are in the mood for on the day and then go from there.

Friday –

Homemade pizza – We never did get round to making them last week so we are going to try again this week.

Saturday –

BBQ – I’m hoping for nice weather next weekend but we shall see!

Sunday –

Jacket potatoes and salad – Nice and easy, if the sun is shining we may even get out in the garden to eat.

That’s what we have cooking this week. Its a bit vague as I’m back to work and it will be dependent on how my foot is holding up and what we fancy to eat.

We have quiet a bit of food in the freezer so I am planning to make sure I meal plan a lot better this month so we don’t waste what we have and spend cash on things we don’t need.

What is cooking in your house this week?

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