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Our weekly meal plan – 09/01/17

If you read my post over the weekend on meal planning you will know that I am trying to meal plan more to stick to a budget and cut waste and today is our first post on our meal plan for the year.

I’m hoping as 2017 goes on we will have a few more recipes to share as we tend to stick to the same choices every week thanks to two fussy children! We all tend to stick to cereal for breakfast and have a packed lunch so I haven’t listed those below either as its not very exciting.

This week I have tried to limit what needed to be purchased for our shopping and used some of our Musclefood meat which I had in the freezer.

Here is our dinners for the week 🙂


Chicken stir fry – Tesco currently have an offer for noodles, vegetables and sauce for £3 which I plan to just add some mini chicken fillets from the freezer to make a meal! I like stir fry on a Monday as the kids have swimming and this is ready in less than 20 minutes!


Tuna pasta bake – This is a kids favourite and a simple one to make as I cheat and use the Colemans sauce mix, just add the pasta, milk, tuna & cheese!


Sheppard’s pie – This is a take on a sheppard’s pie as we use up turkey mince and pork mince which we get as part of our Musclefood hamper. I never knew what to use the turkey mince in but it was a great suggestion to make a sheppard’s pie. The best thing is there is always spare mince & potatoes so we make extra portions and freeze.


Chicken wraps – Again the chicken is from our meat in the freezer however I have to own up to using jar fajita mix! This year though I am determined to learn to make it from scratch.


Takeaway/freezer day – Friday is the end of the working week which at the minute is manic so Friday’s we always have a lazy meal.


Tandoori salmon – In a bid to get more healthy we are trying to have fish twice a week and also look at what we are actually eating. I came across this recipe on the Tesco website when doing my shop this week so looking forward to trying it out.


Roast – We now have a tradition of having a roast on a Sunday. It is whatever roasting joints are on offer when I do my shopping so this won’t be decided until the end of the week.

 So nothing really exciting or new but I am going to try and incorporate one new meal a week in the hope to expand our choices and finally find some food Kayleigh and Ethan will actually eat!

What is on your menu this week?


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