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Our weekly meal plan – 13/02/17

Another Monday and another meal plan is here again, today is the first day of my new diet. For the next 12 weeks I will be avoiding all products that include cows milk and yeast, trust me that is a lot! You can read more about my intolerance in my recent post about my intolerance test.

Monday –

Pukka pie & potatoes – Daddy Vs Work will be having pie and potatoes (I’m not allowed the pies so I will be having left over bolognaise and potatoes). Kayleigh and Ethan will be having mini pizzas as they are not keen on pies.

Tuesday –

Pasta with spinach – I haven’t put this recipe up yet (sorry!) but it is an easy dish to do and one that I can eat!

Wednesday –

Burger and chips – It’s likely to be chicken burgers for dinner with chips. For me I’m not allowed the chicken burgers or the rolls as I’m intolerant to ingredients in both so I am going to have beef hache steaks with potatoes and vegetables.

Thursday –

Sausages sandwich/mash/toad in the hole – Still using up the last of my Muslcefood order before my next one arrives on Friday so we will have something with sausages depending on what people fancy.

Friday –

Pizza/Nuggets & chips – Lazy Friday so lazy food!

Saturday –

Slow cooker beef stew – Again this should be nice and easy however I will have to watch what I add to it to make sure it doesn’t have any ingredients I can’t eat.

Sunday –

Roast chicken and vegetables. For me I have to have free from gravy and skip the Yorkshire puddings (unless I make them with Alpro milk) however the rest I can enjoy.

It’s a bit of a lazy meal plan this week using the last of what we have up. Next week should be more exciting as I will do a bit of research into recipes I can eat but also our Musclefood order will be arriving so we will have a freezer full of meat to make meals from.

I will also do a checklist of what we have in our freezer/cupboards over the next weekend ready to plan on Monday.

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