Mummy vs Work: Streamline Your Life (We Use Cookies)

Our weekly meal plan – 16/05/17

I know I am a day late but I am trying to get back on the meal planning. Trying to get back into sticking to budget too if possible!

The last few weeks have been stressful to say the least and I am still recovering from my operation. So things are a bit slow and we are sticking to simple meals we like to save stress.

Here is the plan for this week (minus yesterday as I’m a day late!)

Tuesday –

Pasta with spinach – something simple as we have a few bits going on today.

Wednesday –

Cod and potatoes – This was delicious the other week and so simple. The bonus to it was Kayleigh tried and loved cod so she will happily eat this.

Thursday –

Chicken curry – Not sure which type yet, I’ll see what we are in the mood for that day.

Friday –

Chilli con carne – Nice and simple, plus we usually have extra which we can freeze in portions for another day.

Saturday –

Tuna pasta bake – Kids favourite so nice and easy.

Sunday –

Roast chicken salad – Really simple in the slow cooker with potatoes and salad, yummy!

What is on your menu this week?

If you have enjoyed this meal plan, you can view all our previous posts on meal planning and possibly get some inspiration for your family too.

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