Mummy vs Work: Streamline Your Life (We Use Cookies)

Our weekly meal plan – 24/04/17

It’s Monday again so time for another weekly meal plan. Still not getting around great so sticking to some easy to make and quick meals this week!

Monday –

Pork bibimap – We have never had this before so I have no idea what it will taste like. Yesterday we took delivery of a Gousto box for the first time and are trying out 2 meals this week. The kids won’t even entertain eating this so it’s just Daddy Vs Work and I!

Tuesday –

Pasta with spinach sauce – It’s parent’s evening for Kayleigh tonight so something simple to get us to feed fairly quickly.

Wednesday –

Easy lamb biryani – This is meal 2 from our Gousto box now we are fans of Indian food so I’m sure this will be a winner.

Thursday –

Cod and potatoes – Still not used the fish up yet so today that will be used up.

Friday –

Tuna pasta bake – One of the kid’s favourites and another easy meal to make.

Saturday –

Dinner out – Kayleigh is going out for a birthday dinner with a friend so we are going to eat whilst we are there as its a bit of a drive from ours!

Sunday –

Roast chicken and salad – Something nice and easy, we’ll pop the chicken in the slow cooker and just have it with salads and potatoes.

So that is what is cooking in our kitchen this week, what do you have on your plan for the week?

I’m looking forward to giving the new recipes a go so make sure you come back next week and see what we thought of those.

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