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Our weekly meal plan – 28/08/17

Good morning and welcome back to our latest meal plan.

Almost time to get back to school and routine here, think we will all be glad to get back to some sort of normal routine if I’m honest!

We are also going to be heading away for our friends wedding soon so now it is panic stations on the weight we have gained. So Daddy Vs Work and I are going to need to watch what we are eating over the coming weeks! This week’s meals will be done using our Diet Plates, there is a post following this later today more on them and I’m looking forward to seeing how we get on with them!

So what do we have cooking?

Monday –

Meatballs and tagliatelle – Still using up the last of our Musclefood order before our next one arrives this week! These meatballs are delicious!

Tuesday –

Chilli jacket potatoes – Good for the waistline and delicious!

Wednesday –

Spicy pork rice – This is from the Hairy Bikers and is delicious!

Thursday –

Sesame & broccoli chicken – I found this recipe online ages ago and it is so good but also easy to make!

Friday –

Tandoori salmon – I know we had it last week but honestly I’ve still got salmon to get thought thanks to a Costco trip!

Saturday –

Thai green curry – This is another of our favourites and one we’ve not had in a while. Making your own paste makes everything taste so much better!

Sunday –

Slow cooker pulled pork – Super easy and it can be shoved in the slow cooker whilst the back to school prep is done for the day!

All of these recipes are allowed on our diet plates, nothing is off bounds, just portioned much better than we currently do!

What is on your meal plan in your house this week?

Our weekly meal plan

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