Why? Why? Why?

I was tagged a while back by the lovely This Mummy Loves to join in with this funny little meme! It is a chance for us to turn the table on the children who constantly ask Why? to everything!

So Kayleigh and Ethan:

  • Why do you insist on sharing my breakfast?
  • Why is it when I sit down for dinner (after you’ve all started!) you ask me to get you a drink?
  • Why do you always have something urgent to tell me whilst I’m on the loo?
  • Why is it Mummy you call when you want something even though Daddy is closer?
  • Why do you always ask why when I ask you to do something?
  • Why do you always lie in on a weekday but never at weekends?


The rules are –

1. Post your whys – as few or as many as you like

2. Link up your post here, and it would be great if you could leave a comment too

3. Tag 5 bloggers to keep this going

4. If you’re not a blogger, leave your whys as a comment below. We’d love to read them

5. Show your support by reading a few others and commenting on them

I’m tagging these lovely bloggers to continue to meme:

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  1. Elizabeth Harvey

    Hi there. A great thing about doing a meme like this is getting to discover so many new blogs. Thanks for linking up. And I’m with you on every one of your whys – especially the one about never lying in at weekends. Can’t wait til mine are sleepy teenagers and I can get my revenge *wicked cackle*
    By the way, this is Elizabeth from Mummy Central xxx

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