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Wise Words Wednesday with Kate

Happy Wednesday and welcome back to our Wise Words Wednesday feature. Today we have Kate from the travel blog Kate Loves Travel taking time out to answer our questions.

For now though I am handing over to Kate to take the questions.

Tell us a little bit about you & your blog:

My name is Kate and you can find my blog at As you can probably tell, I love travelling and that’s what my blog is about.  As well as talking about my travels, I post on anything travel-related, such as equipment, gifts, trip planning, etc.

You can also find me on:





I started blogging in April 2017 on a bit of a whim… I’ll be honest, I knew very little about what was involved when I first started – I thought it was just about writing and taking nice photos!

What inspired you to start blogging?

The reason I started blogging was that I wanted to do something with the thousands of photos I have taken on my travels and the notebooks full of scribbles about many of the places I have been… I guess you could say I wanted to set them free!

I was also hoping that my blog would inspire others to get out there and explore this amazing planet we live on.

What has been your highlight of blogging?

My blogging highlight to date has been being contacted by a magazine and asked to write a couple of travel articles. I was so proud when I saw them in a glossy magazine – they looked so professional!

Another highlight for me is seeing my favourite photos all together on Instagram – it makes me realise how lucky I’ve been to go to so many fantastic places.

Is there anything you have learnt about blogging which you wish you knew when you started out?

It’s hard work!  I hadn’t realised quite how much time it took to spread the word about your blog and get it noticed until I started…  I should maybe have done some kind of social media marketing or web design course before I began but, as with pretty much everything I do, I had an idea and just went for it!

Bloggers sometimes get a lot of stick however many work really hard and are reaping the rewards, what has been the most rewarding part of blogging for you?

The positive feedback I’ve had on some of my posts has been very rewarding – if I have inspired people to go and visit somewhere after reading about it on my blog, that makes me very happy.

What would be your 1 tip you would give all new bloggers starting out?

Don’t underestimate how much work is involved in blogging – writing interesting posts and taking beautiful photographs is actually only a very small part of having a blog.  I hadn’t realised that the majority of my time would be spent promoting my blog and trying to grow my audience.

Who do you find inspiring to read/watch in the blogging world?

I follow bloggers who post on all different subjects and I love that there is such variety out there.  Obviously, I follow a lot of other travel bloggers as travel is my real passion. One of my favourites is The Travelista ( – she has some amazing content on her blog!

Lastly – do you have any big plans/dreams for your blog in the next 12 months?

I suppose my big plan is to grow my blog and reach a much wider audience and my dream is to be able to earn enough to start blogging full-time…

Thank you for taking time to answer our questions Kate! If you have enjoyed this post you can check out our whole Wise Words Wednesday series here.

Wise Words Wednesday Kate

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