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Writing matters – National Stationary Week

Tomorrow sees the start of National Stationary week.

It is a week to remind everyone that writing matters but it is also a week to inspire you to put pen to paper.

With the technology we have now, less and less of us are actually using a pen and paper to write to a loved one or just to record our lives. Lots of us are turning to emails, social media and blogs.

I know I do.

So what can we do to change this?

Firstly go old school. Grab yourself a pen and paper and write.

You don’t have to write anything in particular, it could be a list, a letter or a diary. Just write what you want to.

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I am always writing lists out for things to do and have about 4 notepads on the go at the same time!

Also encourage your children to write.

Kayleigh is a huge fan of writing, as well as little notes she has started to write her own book. I have let her write it as she wants, letting her imagination spill out on to the page and she loves it.

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For more ideas on how to celebrate National Stationary Week why not head over to their site for inspiration and activities we can all do.

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