Recently I’ve had a bad run of health. It seems that I have been picking one thing up after another however it has been an ongoing issue for a while which has just flared up more recently.
The main symptom was a poorly tummy which bloated when I had eaten certain things such as curries, pizzas or just too much junk food. I wasn’t aware until this week was that lots of other symptoms I have had such as headaches, fatigue and bad skin had all been linked to an intolerance.

I had gone to the doctors in the past and mentioned it before but I was just told to watch what I was eating and it was likely to be something like IBS as I had so much going on, then I was on my way again.
With my health not improving and me seeming to pick up more bugs this winter than ever before, one of my work colleagues mentioned how getting an intolerance test had changed her life.
Spookily a week later an email pinged up from York Test offering me the chance to review their food and drink scan, which tests if you have an intolerance and if you do, what you are intolerant to.
How to do an intolerance test –
So last Friday I popped onto their site and ordered my test. This is then posted out to you for you to be able to do in the comfort of your own home. A simple blood sample from a finger prick is then sent back to the lab to be analysed.
York Test then gets back in touch once the results are in. These are sent to you via email and also in the post, my test results were back within a week however it does say it can take up to 10 days from when they have received your sample.
The results are really easy to read, there is a simple traffic light system. Red is showing intolerance to something, yellow is borderline and green is no reaction. Now at first, it may seem a bit daunting if you receive your results showing an intolerance but don’t panic.
York Test offers a free telephone consultation to talk you through any intolerance’s you may have and the best steps forward from here. They are extremely helpful in pointing out where things may be hidden in food you weren’t expecting and good apps to help you check your food before eating. The whole process of ordering the test to get the results and advice has been so simple and easy to do.
Dealing with an intolerance
My tests have shown up that I have an intolerance to cow’s milk and yeast, not really what I was expecting if I am honest! However, now the process is about to begin to help repair my gut and balance out the intolerance so eventually I no longer am intolerant to these things.
The best way to do this is to cut out yeast and cow milk completely from my diet and then in 12 weeks time slowly introduce this back into my diet one item at a time, in the hope that the body has balanced back out, reducing my levels of intolerance to them.
It may seem like a really easy thing to do however what I wasn’t expecting was for so many food and drink items to contain milk and yeast, one example of this was Walkers Sensations, I didn’t realise that this contained buttermilk, so these are not suitable for my diet. It is when you see just how many of the items you are intolerant to you have been eating that is linked to how you have been feeling lately. I am going to try and stick to a new diet to help me get back a better health balance. Things such as Gold Bee raw honey is a great addition to the diet, the natural benefits from eating raw honey have been known for hundreds of years.
Monday sees the start of my 12-week journey, cutting out yeast and cows milk (no chocolate for me over Easter!) in the hope that I can introduce them back into the diet. I will be updating the blog in the next few weeks on how the journey is going.
I received a discount on my test however I this is an honest review of the service I have received.