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4 Most Overlooked Places To Clean In The Home

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A survey on UK citizens and their attitude to home maintenance showed that two in five residents clean yearly. While this appears woefully inadequate, there is a more pressing issue. People who clean their homes almost always overlook certain areas, and it’s no fault. These parts of the home are always in plain sight but, for whatever reasons, are overlooked. Below are some of them. 

  • Shower curtains and bathroom tiles grout

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According to, shower curtains must be replaced every six months. Before the twice-a-year change, however, the website recommends monthly thorough washing. Unfortunately, reports indicate that some households never wash their curtains for several months until they are covered in mildew and visibly dry soap scum.

At that stage, they usually get replaced. Ideally, your shower curtains must be cleaned in the washing machine every two weeks. If your curtains contain plastic, it would be advisable not to toss them into the dryer. Air drying would work just fine. Regarding your bathroom tiles, it would be best to learn how to clean grout and remember to do it regularly.

  • Ceiling fans

Ceiling fans are obvious but often overlooked during cleaning routines. In many non-dusty neighbourhoods, it takes approximately one month for ceiling fans to collect dust. A home in a dusty neighbourhood will have its ceiling fans dirty every two weeks. 

And whenever they are turned on, they blow dust and bacteria back into your indoors, increasing the risks of respiratory problems and allergies. To avoid these inconveniences, you may want to clean your ceiling fans monthly to get rid of the dirt. A simpler way to deal with this is using the old pillowcase method. Slide each blade into an unused pillow case and gently draw it out. The dust and debris coated on the blades will be collected into the pillowcase, reducing the risk of blowing dust mites into the air.

  • Light switches and door handles

These two things are touched daily and visible, but they hardly get any cleaning. According to reports, if people could run clean wipes over these areas and put them under a microscope, they would see lots of bacteria. Sometimes, people only remember cleaning door knobs and switches when visibly stained.

As a tip, avoid using wet towels to clean light switches. The objective is to eliminate the risk of electrocution. If it helps, you may want to turn off the mains before cleaning all the light switches at home. Remember to turn the mains back on when you finish cleaning them.

  • Cleaning supplies

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It sounds ironic that the supplies used to clean the home are not sanitised. Yes, your cleaning supplies are dirty and deserve attention. Do you remember the last time you cleaned your toilet brushes, scrubber, microwave sponge, etc.? It is important to keep a keen eye on these supplies as they can become agents for disease-spreading microorganisms. It is easier and more convenient to sanitise your cleaning supplies immediately after using them.

If you want to identify those easily overlooked areas of the home, it would be best to carefully analyse your living areas.


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