Money, it doesn’t make you happy but it most certainly does make life easier. It is however not always that easy to hold on to whilst trying to keep a household ticking by and its getting harder everyday as the costs of living go up.
I think though that most of us are trying to look to the future and put something away, be it for the short term goal or maybe for retirement.
But with the recent years of banking issues back in our mind its hard to not worry about keeping our money safe. For most of us know though we can save with piece of mind that our money will be safe as all savings up to £85,000 are protected by the FSCS.
The FSCS are bringing you stories from celebrities and stars on their own saving experiences. Although the FSCS can not advise you what to do with your money, they want to make sure you have piece of mind knowing that your money is protected.
With a wedding next year and an extension needed to our home it looks like long term saving goals are put on hold however we know for the future we need to start stashing a little bit of cash away for our retirements but also for those unexpected things that life may throw at us. You never know when the care will need major repairs or the boiler will hit an issue.
Do you have any exciting plans you are saving for or are you just trying to save for your future and any possible rainy days?
In collaboration with FSCS