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Gadget free gifts for children this Christmas

Gadget free gifts for children this Christmas

Christmas is round the corner, there is no escaping it! In fact it is only 8 weeks this Sunday to the big day, so most of us have probably thought about the gifts we are planning to buy for our loved ones.

When it comes to the children though there is so many gadgets and toys with batteries on the market, what about letting kids be kids?

I know it sounds really old but growing up it was all about playing tag or British bulldog and then if it was raining hours were spent constructing with things like Lego for example computers were only just taking off and mobile phones if you was lucky enough to get one could do the basics and play just snake on there!

This Christmas if you are looking at for something a little different why not go for some fancy dress outfits, House of Fraser have a great range for boys and girls for them to let their imagination run free. Why not let them tire themselves out whilst they become one of the Avengers for the afternoon or let your little one become the ballerina she wants to be with this beautiful candy tutu. Kayleigh has a tutu which she has had for a while and even now she still wears it out and about!

Candy Tutu

We are not against electronic toys at all, Kayleigh and Ethan have lots of them in fact but we try to balance it all out. When it comes to birthdays and Christmas we try and get a few of their must have items and then bring a little bit of imagination and creativity into their gifts. Last year Kayleigh got a science kit and Ethan a grow your own fly trap plant, things that they can get involved in and learn about things at the same time as having fun.


When it comes to Christmas it is all about magic and believing, so why not let them believe they are a super hero, after all they are our little hero’s anyway 🙂


This post is in collaboration with House of Fraser





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