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3 signs it may be time to replace your windows

3 signs it may be time to replace your windows


With the warmer weather here, lots of us are working our way through our home to-do list, with many of us working on jobs that are easier with the dry weather such as any exterior work or changing the windows.

When we replaced our windows it was early January and it was freezing, probably one of the worst times to do it! However they were in such a bad state, we just needed to get them done. It is an expensive job to do on a home renovation though and I hadn’t really thought of the replacement windows cost when we purchased our house, so how do you know when it is time to replace them?

3 signs it may be time to replace your windows

3 signs it may be time to replace your windows

  1. When condensation is forming – The real sign for us was seeing condensation forming in between our glazing units, with several of them showing signs of this we knew they were looking to need replacing. When we brought the house it had the windows in place already and we had no paperwork on who had installed them or when they had been installed so our option was really just to replace them. There are some great companies that offer double glazing in St Alban’s and Double Glazing Belfast ,plus many more around the UK, so take the time to check their reviews and compare quotes
  2. You still have single-pane windows – Lots of homes in the UK now have double glazing but there are so many homes that do not. Single pane windows are not great for keeping the heat in, sound out or could even be unsafe.
  3. Your feeling the draught – Even with double glazing, once the windows are past their best you feel the draught! In the winter if you get hit by the chill, it is a sure sign that the windows are not up to the standard they were when they were installed. Not only is it letting a breeze in your home, but you will find this is also bumping up your heating bills. With the draught you will be trying to compensate for this in the winter.

As I mentioned earlier, it is an expensive job replacing your windows, especially if they are all done at the same time. If this is the case for your home and you need to do them, why not speak to your local glazing company and see if there are any deals for you to replace a couple at a time. This way you are able to get the work you need to be done but over a period of time to suit your budget.

It may be a costly job that requires a bit of planning however it is a job worth doing when you outweigh the cons with the pros of new windows.

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