As i sit at my desk yet again eating my lunch looking out to the sunshine i sit & think, if i could afford to not work would i work?
The simple answer is … no.
Some people enjoy their career & going back to work gives them some personal statisfaction but not for me, i’d much rather be at home with my 2 monkeys doing fun things every day.
If i was given a £ for everytime some says to me wow you work a lot of hours or after returning to work, oh you only had 9 months off i’d be rich enough not to work! However i had to come back after 9 months as my pay stopped & i have to work 28 hours a week minimum as its the very least financially i can afford to work. Its not down to me choosing work over my children, it was me choosing to keep a roof over their heads & being able to afford for them to have things they wish (in proportion!)
Its hard as a working mum to get the right balance between children and work & i count myself fortunate that i only work 28 hours as some mum’s i know have no choice but to work full time so it must be even harder for them. We are constinatly rushing around to get to places & do things we need to do which is why i love the weekends so much just so i can have some time with them not running around!
I also count myself very lucky for having my mum & my mother in law looking after my children, as i send Kayleigh to pre-school for 7 hours a week and that costs nearly £100 a month, i just could not financially afford childcare for them both even on full time wages so i don’t know what i would do without them.
So as i prepare to start work again… i’m just going to leave you with the thought of don’t judge a book by its cover as its not always as simple as it seems.