Mummy vs Work: Streamline Your Life (We Use Cookies)

Our weekly meal plan – 18/05/20

Our weekly meal plan – 18/05/20

Good morning, for the first time in ages, I wrote this post more than 24 hours before it was due to be published! On a serious note, I have struggled with motivation lately in some things so the fact I have started to get a bit more organised is a big thing.

I still lack any motivation when it comes to mealtimes though, Ethan’s fussy eating is pushing it lately. He is down to about 5 meals that he will eat in total and refuses to try most other things. He knows how fussy he is and he also knows how limited it makes meal times, doesn’t change anything though. We are just battling on and hoping if he keeps trying things, his taste buds will eventually change.

This week I have put some of his favourites on the meal plan and then some additional meals that he isn’t keen on in the hope he will try a little bit of everything, if not he’s having fish fingers and chips! Other than the frustration, I’m not too concerned about his diet as he will eat and fruit or veg going. He consumes dairy and I can get protein into him as long as it is plain with no flavouring.

Last week’s meal plan was a little hit and miss, some days we just had simple things from the freezer as it was all I could be bothered to do. This week I’m hoping it is a bit more successful!

Our meal plan – 18/05/20

Monday –

Chicken Fajitas – One of Kayleigh’s favourite meals and quick to make so looking forward to them.

Tuesday –

Pork belly buns – Never had pork belly or this recipe but we have seen it cooked a few times on telly and decided to give it a try.

Wednesday –

Chilli con Carne – One of my favourites as I can bulk it out and make a few meals from one cooking session.

Thursday –

Toad in the hole – One of Ethan’s favourites as he loves Yorkshire puddings!

Friday –

Chicken supreme – Another quick meal as I use a sauce mix and just add the other ingredients.

Saturday –

Pizza – Plan is homemade however I have some frozen on standby if I can’t be bothered.

Sunday –

Roast or stew – However we have a BBQ arriving this week so we may have that instead!

So there you have it, a pretty simple but tasty week lined up. What do you have cooking in your house this week?

If you are after some more inspiration you can check our previous weekly meal plan here. Alternatively, why not check out our Pinterest boards here for more inspiration.

Our weekly meal plan - 18th May 2020


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