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Aims and goals for September 2019

Aims and goals for September 2019

Last month I decided to set some aims and goals for the month. It was to give myself a little bit of focus and get myself back on track with some things.

It is now time to set some more aims and goals for September but before we do that, let’s look back at how much I actually achieved in August.

August 2019 reflection:

Blog goals-

  1. Schedule Pinterest until the end of September – Done – In fact, I am scheduled until the 6th October, this month should be easy to keep on top of this with Halloween just around the corner.
  2. Schedule 3 posts a week – Failed – Well I posted lots, just none of it was really scheduled, more just written on the day! With me going back to work I do need to get a bit more organised with this.
  3. Comment on another 10 blogs a week – Failed – I am not sure how many I commented on in the end, some weeks there were lots, other weeks not so much. I do need to try and read a few more blogs this month!

Personal goals –

  1. Try a new recipe a week – Failed – Although we failed this, we did try 3 recipes in one week so it was almost there.
  2. Take more time away from technology – Done – However it was not done in a relaxing way, I just spent a lot of time working on the building work!
  3. Set some goals for blog and streams for the remainder of 2019 –Failed – No goals or aims set at all.

So overall August was a bit of a mixed bag really, not getting what I wanted to be done out of the way.

However, it is a new month and new goals to set and aim for. I am back at work now and I know some things are not going to go to plan due to time restraints, however, I am going to work through as much as I can. I feel that although I didn’t achieve quite as much as I wanted to on my goals, I did get lots done in August so I would like to continue this where I can.

Goals for September:

Blog goals-

  1. Schedule Pinterest until the end of October – I would like to stay a month ahead with this, hopefully, it shouldn’t be too tough.
  2. Schedule a week in advance by the end of September – Ok this one is going to be a tough one but I am going to try and get a week ahead of myself by the end of September
  3. Create and publish 2 new recipes – I love creating recipes for my blog and after this Drunken Peach Cobbler recipe has done so well, I would like to create 2 more this month.

Personal goals –

  1. Get in a routine – I need to get into a routine with work, blogging, streaming and life! I would like to be settled into a routine by the end of September where I don’t feel like I am rushing around.
  2. Work out 3 times a week – This is something new I started last week. I am never very consistent when it comes to working out, however this time I want to make time 3 times a week before work to work out. This is for me, it is to get healthy and feel comfortable in my skin.
  3. Set some goals for blog and streams for the remainder of 2019 – I want to focus on the last quarter of the year, so I plan to set my goals for the last few months.

Come back at the end of September and see how I have got on (hopefully well!).

Aims and goals for September 2019

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