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Aims and goals – November 2021

Here we are again, it is time for another aims and goals post already and we are almost at the end of the year! It has flown by this year, some times I have achieved the goals and other times I have completely missed the mark.

October was not the best month if I am honest. I have found it tough going throughout the month and not achieved anywhere near where I would have liked to. Life has thrown some huge curve balls at us this year and it has at some points become a battle to just stay afloat and functioning rather than progressing with anything.

None the less though, I do want to push on with making this year the best it can be and there are a few more targets I want to reach before the year ends. Let’s start with recapping how the month has gone and plan on moving forward.

Aims and goals - November 2021

Recap on aims and goals for October 2021

Personal goals –

  • Take 2 days off a week – Never happened, in fact, the opposite, I started doing longer days knowing I had a week off coming up.
  • Start planning for Christmas – We have a few Christmas presents brought already and I’ve ordered our turkey so that is a start. There is still a lot to get organised though.
  • Try out a few new recipes – We purchased a few weeks of Hello Fresh so this introduced us to some new recipes which were delicious. We now just need to keep going with the new meals and maybe add a few to them along the way.

Blog goals –

  • Plan the new year content – I’ve not even planned December so this was a complete failure.
  • Build on the success of the blogs –  Not done anything on this, I am a little lost as to where I want to go with some of the blogs.
  • Make more money – October was a good month for money, just need to make the most of it.

Aims and goals for November 2021

Personal goals –

  • Slow down – I can’t continue to work at the pace I am working at forever so I need to get a better balance in there.
  • Finish Christmas shopping – Before the end of the month, I want to be organised for Christmas so I am not rushing around next month.
  • Use my slow cooker more – I want to be making life easier for me when it comes to meal planning and using my slow cooker is one of the ways to do this.

Blog goals –

  • Be scheduled till the end of December – Ideally, I would like to be slightly further ahead but if I can get past Christmas that will allow me to take some time off over the Christmas break.
  • Business plan for 2022 – This year has been a good year for the blogs but I need to look at them all and work out how to approach them all if I plan to keep them all going forward and the long term plans for them.
  • Make more money – Might as well aim to make the end of 2021 the best I can.

Aims and goals - November 2021

This month I really need to not only find a balance between work and life but I also need to work out a focus on achieving what I set out to, without burning myself out completely. There is a lot of things I would like to achieve in life and sometimes I feel like it is taking too long to get there. But, by pushing to the limit, all I am going to achieve is burnout without actually getting to where I want to be. I really need to work on a way of working smarter, not harder to get to this point.

Are you a goal setter? I would love to hear what goals you have set yourself for this month or maybe this year?

Aims and goals - November 2021

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