Mummy vs Work: Streamline Your Life (We Use Cookies)

Balancing it all out



Wow it’s been a while since I’ve been able to find time to blog properly, sorry blog you came bottom of the list of priority.

Lots has been going on lately, I moved from my temporary role to a temp – perm role but it just wasn’t to be.

I was out of the house for over 10 hours a day, not getting home till gone 5.30 every night, it just affected our whole balance and routine as a family and just made me grumpy!

Fortunately it has all worked out and I have a role closer to home which means I’ll be home an hour early and be able to pick Kayleigh and Ethan up from after school club.

Sometimes in life, what seems like a great deal isn’t always the right deal for you.

Then there is the wedding planning being thrown in to the mix, blimey its a whole new world out there!

You know when you have a baby you discover there is hundreds of brands of buggies, 3 wheel, 4 wheel, interchangeable, multipurpose all singing and dancing and it’s like a minefield to pick the right one.

Well wedding planning is no different!

If it’s not the whole flower debate between real or artificial (that’s before you throw a button bouquet in for good measure) then there is the stationary. Do you go printed, handmade or DIY it yourself?!

Like I said, it is a bit manic!

However this week I was lucky enough to be able to spend the half term at home with Kayleigh and Ethan.

Everything else was put on hold whilst we just spent time doing lots of fun things like making boats out of shoe boxes, people out of toilet rolls and then sailing the high sea in the living room.


We also discovered the world of Hama Beads which kept us entertained for hours!


Sometimes in life you just need to take a step back from everything and appreciate what you have right in front of you, for us that is out little family and our health & happiness!

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