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Benefits Of A Garden Office Over A Home Office

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There have been many studies showing the immense benefits one acquires from a conducive outdoor environment of fresh air, daytime shine and nature scenery. The Scandinavian refers to this cultured living as friluftsliv which is an expression for “open-air living”. Maybe they are right what they say in Sweden “there’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothes”.

I am totally in agreement with findings of the many benefits associated with outdoor living spaces. I have carried out extensive research on this topic with much practicality and written about it many times on my blog.

I am a passionate gardener with a keen focus on exploring the very essence of the calming effect gardens and nature, in general, has to the human mind. For me, my garden is my happy place where I can completely relax and let everything go.

I see so much potential harnessing the garden set up to create an amazing day-to-day work environment. Work output or study time is likely to be highly productive when you are sitting in a garden office instead of the kitchen table or the desk in the spare bedroom.

Below are some of the benefits as well.

The commuting distance is short

It is not interesting when one is struggling to beat the rush hour traffic to get to and from work every day and it is especially worse when you are using public transport. Further, it is expensive when you get to account the everyday transport costs to and from work at the end of the year.

Certainly, you will save more time and money with your own green space where you can work from a garden office and with many conveniences because it is tranquil. A garden office will reduce your commute time and money considerably.

I can agree you do not have to cover a great deal of a distance from the kitchen to the spare bedroom if you have an internal working space set up within the house. However, it is more pleasing and enjoyable seeing flowers and hearing the birds chirping and bees buzzing in the garden on your way to that garden office.

Taking quiet time away from the city

Obviously, it depends with the geographical location of the office but you are going to experience much noise and disturbance if your office is located within the central business district where there is heavy vehicular and pedestrian traffic and rather chaotic activities.

On the other hand, you will be highly productive if you are working in a garden office. A garden office is worth considering if your productivity levels are high when working in calm and relaxing environments.

Express yourself by designing your perfect workspace

Having your working space gives you an opportunity to define the design and fashion for the furniture and internal décor and express your taste and preference for that perfect workspace.

Ordinarily, you will have many styles and options to select from so you can end up with the perfect garden office that suits your needs and aspirations.

Take a peek from these insulated garden offices from GBC*, for example, and then picture yourself working from these spaces all year round.

Garden office designs are very cost-effective and, besides that, provide a working space that is particularly friendly to the environment. Check out Quick-Garden offices to find the perfect outdoor workspace.

A garden office provides a professional outlook

In the past, I have had to hold meetings around the kitchen table because I cannot take my clients to the spare bedroom. One awkward moment our cat raced through the kitchen floor with a screeching mouse between its jaws. Our meeting had to stop momentarily as I tried to rescue the mouse to freedom.

It was quite embracing and you can expect similar experiences when you decide to turn your kitchen to an office. To say the least, kitchen space does not look quite professional.

On the other hand, not only is a garden office a professional space but your clients are more likely to find it more pleasing than the kitchen space.

Value addition to the property

A garden office will save you travel costs and is considered a worthwhile investment because a garden office adds as much as 5-7% to the value of the property.

Additionally and noteworthy, garden offices, summerhouses and studios are recognized as outbuildings, meaning you do not need developmental approval as is the case with “regulated construction”.

A good home and work balance

The ability to completely detach home and work lifestyles to me is the greatest benefit in investing in a garden office. At the end of the work, it becomes difficult to switch from work to a home mindset when have been doing all the work from inside the house.

When you are used to working inside the house, you will likely find yourself checking for new email or might get caught in a work-related conversation while still at the dinner table. Before you know it, you have created a kind of social chasm between you and your family.

On the other hand, you will experience a great degree of mental separation between office and home life when you have to leave the garden office and stroll through the garden on your way to the house at the end of a working day.

When I am done with the work for the day I close the door to my garden office and my work style mindset switches off completely. To me, that has to be the best reason to want a garden office. I am sure you can agree.

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