Mummy vs Work: Streamline Your Life (We Use Cookies)

Dear Santa… all i want is some sleep!

I don’t know whats got into Ethan of late but 5am wake ups with him bear hugging me isn’t cute after the first couple of nights!

Work is manic at the moment with the new system coming in, i’m rushed off my feet and ready to collapse most days so the extra early starts are not great!

Both kids have always been decent sleepers with no major issues but recently Ethan has taken to getting up and coming into our room and then climbing on top of me to bear hug and snuggle back to sleep, cute to begin with but now the last few nights he sits and plays on the bed, kicking the bed (and me!) whilst playing and generally just being a fidget!

So tough mummy comes back into action tonight… I will be taking him back to bed every time he gets up and he will get the hang of it eventually but for my sanity I need to do something!

While were on it though Santa I would like an Ipad 2, new kitchen, new bathroom and a garden makeover… is that too much? 😀

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