Mummy vs Work: Streamline Your Life (We Use Cookies)

Feature Me Friday – Week 3

Up this week is another of my lovely friends! She has only been blogging a short while, so why not find out what inspired her to start blogging!
Name –
Blog name & address –
How long have you been blogging?
Around 3/4months 
What got you into blogging?
I enjoyed reading friends blogs which then made me look for other people’s blogs with my interests and decided to give it a go. 
What is the best bits of blogging?
Seeing people enjoy reading my blog and are interested in what i write. I also find it a little therapeutic writing things down about everything and anything that happens in our world. 
What is the worst bit about blogging?
Trying to get your name out there, my numbers are creeping up slowly but would love to be more recognised in the future. 
What are you most proud of when it comes to blogging?
That i was able to set up the blog, it all looked very hard, but i am starting to get to grips with things, although still have a lot to learn, but it’s good to see numbers of followers improving.
What have you achieved that without blogging you may not have?
Being a SAHM can be hard work especially with being an army wife, i like going to my blog and having a little release, it brings the ‘Me’ element into life, even though i include the family in the blog. Before i blogged i missed the ‘Me’ part of my life and only had the Wife and Mummy. 
What is your top tip for someone starting a new blog?
Take it slowly and don’t expect too much straight away, enjoy what you’re doing, don’t make it into another task/job but instead an enjoyable hobby that can further with some hard work. 

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