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Finding a routine for working out at home

Finding a routine for working out at home

Lots of people are turning to new hobbies whilst they are at home, for me and I can’t believe I am saying this, I have started working out at home.

Before the whole lockdown started I did have a little wobble on my health, after a few tests it turned out that my intolerance had flared up alongside IBS. Then we were thrown into this whirlwind that as completely thrown out any normal routines etc. This has made it a little more difficult to introduce a new diet and routine.

Fast forward a few more weeks, after 1 too many slices of Madeira cake, I found that I was not only piling on the pounds but started to feel really sluggish and uncomfortable. So I decided to get back into the swing of working out again, after all, there was no excuse as to why I couldn’t, I could work out in the morning and jump in the shower before I get going with work and homeschooling.

As I posted in this Instagram post though, it doesn’t come naturally to me to work out, I am working on making it more of a habit.


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I’ve been doing the @chontelduncan #FIERCEathome work out for 6 weeks now and I’m finally getting it into a habit with it more than finding it a chore. I won’t lie, I don’t get up in the morning and think yay I’m going to push myself to the point my body is going to hurt to move the next day. There are some days where I don’t even want to work out at all. Then I remind myself that a) I’m not getting any younger, b) I want to feel a little less sluggish and more comfortable in my clothes again and c) I need to counterbalance out the cake we keep making and eating! For me this is all about balance, I want to feel fit and healthy but at the same time have a positive approach to my diet and general health! #BBG #BBGCommunity #SWEATChallenge #Fierce #Fitness #sweatathome #fiercecommunity

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If you are looking to get fit and healthy, no matter what your end goal is, here are my top tips for getting started.

  1. Find an exercise your enjoy – The one thing I have found making it easier is finding a form of exercise that you enjoy. I used to run a few years back but it doesn’t really fit in with our lifestyle now, then I started to do Kayla Itsines BBG program. After trying and stopping so many times, I decided to try the Fierce At Home program in the app. It’s a different trainer and a different approach to working out, with the same end goal. So far so good, finding that workout that works for you is the best approach hands down.
  2. Be realistic in your goals – You are setting yourself up to fail if you set goals that are ridiculously hard to achieve. Start with small and steady goals. So for me, I just want to work out at least 3 times a week and finish the program. Once I have a routine going on this then I am going to set some small goals related to my diet, but these will come at a time I’m ready to focus on an additional goal.
  3. When you think you can’t, remind yourself why you can – There have been multiple times I have woken up and through, I can’t be bothered today or my muscles hurt I can’t really do it today. That attitude, unfortunately, sets you up to fail, before you’ve even gotten going. On days when I have felt like this, I have reminded myself why I am doing it, why I have decided to make a change. It’s not always easy, it doesn’t always work the way I’d like it to. However, I dust myself down and drag myself to the living room to get going, it may be hard work out but I know 30-40 minutes later I am going to feel rewarded for my effort to push through that last bit.
  4. Be gentle on yourself – No one is perfect, no one can do everything. So if you were going to work out in the morning but the kids just were not settling, fine, shift your workout. Take that time out for you later. If you are working out but struggling, we all are, it doesn’t mean you are a failure at all. Just keep pushing through and make yourself stronger, step by step.

For me, working out at home is my me time. It gives me something to feel proud of achieving and I know every time I work out that that 40 minutes or so of my time, is my chance to make a difference to me.

I’m hoping that I keep going and I can at least bring a little motivation to others, no one is perfect, no one gets fit and health overnight but with a little persistence, we can all get there.

Finding a routine for working out at home

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