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Finding My Feet Again

It’s been a while since I did a post about me, not because I’m ashamed to talk about what I’ve been through but I don’t really know how to share it or what to say. I’m certain the last thing you want to read is me moaning about the pain or my endless appointments over the last 5 months.

What I do know is I’m able to see little glimmers of my old self at times.

I’ve still got an issue with the shoulder/neck and back and have got my physio sessions ongoing. I’ve lost count what number session I’m on but I’m fast approaching number 20!

The pain is still there causing discomfort almost 5 months on, I’m just adapting to cope with it and control it better. I am currently waiting for an appointment for an MRI scan to check out what damage really has been done as I’m still experiencing pins and needles plus cold hand on my left hand side. I think I just want to know what the damage is and whether it is all going to heal up or if there will be permanent damage.

As for the anxiety it turns out I’m on the depression chart too just not noticed so much. I’ve started my talking therapy sessions and have had 2 to date. They are going ok, I just find it a little awkward talking through the accident.

We’ve gone over the accident as I always feel like I’ve failed my little family by not protecting them.

That’s my job, I should have protected them but I couldn’t.

However no one could of as we were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time and I know that, it just doesn’t help the guilt.

I hope in time the guilt disappears and the old me returns, until then I just need to keep adapting and getting myself back to full health, if that can be achieved.

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