Mummy vs Work: Streamline Your Life (We Use Cookies)

Funny How Life Changes

It’s still been really manic here and I’ve barely had time to stop and write it all down! Plus with not much changing health wise the last thing I want to do is bore you all with it!

Anyhow onwards and upwards I suppose!

This week I saw Parcelforce picking up my last buggy 🙁 Ethan is walking everywhere and since he started pre-school he decided that he no longer was a baby but a big boy and he wasn’t going to get in the buggy anymore. So it had to go!

The funny thing is I knew that one day it would be going, lets face it there was always going to come a point where we closed the baby chapter, I just never knew it would be this quick or quiet how I’d feel about it.


I still receive emails from all the baby shops such as Mothercare I signed up to, however there not really relevant to me anymore. I’m not sure whether its my hormones or the fact that I am surrounded by pregnant women and newborns everywhere I look that make it so real and actually a little bit sad. I always said after Ethan that was it, no more but now it just seems so certain that’s our baby days over, that I feel a little tearful.

However I don’t have anything that I should feel tearful at so it’s a little frustrating!

In the last 3 months Kayleigh and Ethan have come a long way.

Kayleigh has developed into a clever (if a little stubborn!) little girl. She is so bright and has such a great imagination, sometimes I sit and watch her play and wish I was in her little world! At school she has started to be more confident as well as learning so much more. She has even started to learn sign language this week at school and was so proud to be able to show me it.

Kayleigh & Ethan

Ethan has started pre-school and fitted right in, he’s loving it so much that he wakes up at the weekend asking to go to school! He’s also potty trained and finally coming into his own little character. He loves to run around being the super hero and this week at afterschool club I found him playing the Wii with an 8-year-old! Such a proper little boy!

See nothing to feel down at all. My beautiful family is growing up to be amazing little people!

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