Children can be fussy little things at times, especially when it comes to food.
However with so much published on the good and bad foods and what they should and shouldn’t be eating, its always a constant battle parents are facing.
Wholegrain Goodness, a non-profit organisation for the promotion of healthy wholegrains recently undertook a survey that revealed that three in ten children think healthy eating is boring, a quarter think healthy food doesn’t taste nice and nearly two thirds don’t think it’s important to eat healthily. Part of the issue may be the lack of experience children have of preparing food with only a quarter regularly help make meals, with twice as many boys than girls having never helped prepare a family meal. Despite this, more than one in three say they would like to cook more.
To show how much kids can enjoy cooking they let six loose in a professional kitchen with a wholegrain pizza recipe, the result is a lot of fun and the video is worth a watch