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Getting ready for the Festive season

#AD – This is a collaborative feature

It is that time of the year when lots of us are starting to plan for the festive season. For many, that includes work Christmas parties, family parties and days out.

So, with that in mind, where do you start when it comes to planning your outfits? If you have lots of events coming up, it can become very expensive if you are planning a different outfit for each event.  With the British weather thrown in too, it can be almost impossible to know what to wear. One minute the sun is shining and the next you can be caught in a downpour!

Here are my top tips for making sure you look amazing this festive season, whilst not breaking the bank:

  1. Invest in one statement piece – Start your planning around one key piece. This could be a stunning necklace from Pomegranate London necklaces for example. One of these gorgeous necklaces could be worn to a number of different events and every time it would stand out, no matter what you wear it with. Jewellery can really bring an outfit together, so a worthwhile investment.
  2. Purchase wisely – No matter what you are planning to wear, make sure you purchase wisely. It is great picking up a gorgeous sparkly dress, however, if you have no need to wear it again, it is not a great investment. Investing in key clothing items that can be worn again and again will save you money and stress in the long run. So, if you are a little black dress fan, why not make sure it is one you can wear again just styled differently next time.
  3. Mix up your accessories – Once you have your key piece, mix up your wardrobe for each event. If you have invested in a pair of gorgeous tailored trousers, you can mix this up with different tops or shoes. The same for dresses though, you can change these through your accessories such as scarfs and belts for example.
  4. Prepare out of season – If you are super prepared, why not start shopping for the festive period out of season? Lots of shops are starting their sales now in the build-up to Christmas, for example, Next have already started theirs. It is the perfect time to pick yourself up a bargain and save yourself a little money in the run up to the big day. With many classic pieces on offer, now is a great time to get those and then you just need to pick up a bit of sparkle nearer the time.

No matter how many times you are out and about over the festive season, you know that it can soon start to add up. By just shopping a little wiser, you can save yourself a little bit of money which you can put towards something else or maybe even your time out. Regardless of what you are wearing this party season, make sure you have fun surrounded by family and loved ones!

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