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How to give your bedroom a quick makeover

Our bedroom in the house is the last house for decorating at all time, it is also the office/laundry room/dumping ground etc!

However sometimes you just want to make it look pretty and after a hard week at work, I always end up falling asleep early on Friday!

So how do you go about giving your room a little makeover without cracking open the paint and spending a small fortune?

It’s all in the accessories!

Whether it be something simple such as changing the lampshades or curtains, getting new handles or re-painting your Fitted Wardrobes, or maybe even changing your headboard to a beautiful new patterned one, there are lots of ways to brighten your bedroom and give it a fresh look.

For me personally though, there is nothing better than new bedding! I love the feeling of fresh bedding and we always go for bedding that is rich cotton so it is super soft.

Recently we purchased this new duvet set from Next, I am a fan of simple bedding colours with matching pillows etc however this set is a bit brighter than we would usually go for. You’ve probably gathered by now from the blog, I like the simple things in life.

Bedroom Makeover

I also brough thisĀ  I Love You words cushion from next too.

Bedroom Makeover
I’m not normally a fan of cushions with lots of writing on however it’s a reminder to everyone how much they are loved in this household and I just loved it.

Our room will be getting a complete makeover in the next few years as we are extending our house and having to move walls around but I am already planning in my head bright spaces, clean lines and lots of storage but I’m sure when we come to extend it will all be documented on the blog.

For now though, if you are looking to refresh your bedroom we would love to hear your suggestions and ideas on the best way to do this on a budget.

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