Mummy vs Work: Streamline Your Life (We Use Cookies)

*Guest Post* Tips to make a working week run smoothly

Having a job and being a mother and wife, is no easy task. It is very easy for daily life to become one stream of uninterrupted chaos, the key to avoiding the stress that disorganisation brings, is to be SUPER organised, and here are a few tips, to help make your week run that little bit smoother.

Planning your work schedule if working from home, is imperative for both yourself and your employer. Keeping to set working times and break times, will allow a routine to develop, this means your family will soon fall in with your routine and know when you are to not be disturbed, and when it is family time.

Have children help around the house. Even very young children can manage a few simple chores, especially when it comes to their own bedrooms. Allowing them to choose bedding on the premise that they make their own bed every day can be a useful sweetener to start them off on helping at home. It never too early to instil a sense of responsibility in children and their own bedroom is a good place to start, allow them to be involved in choosing furniture for their bedroom, Bedstar

has a wide choice of beds for the whole family. Making sure their dirty laundry is in the wash basket and helping them choose their clothes for the next day are all little jobs that will make your life just that little bit easier.

Think ahead the night before. Mornings will run much more smoothly if certain jobs are tackled in the evening. Packed lunches can be made, clothes can be laid out for the children and appointments or after school activities can be checked off on the calendar and prepared for in advance. If there are young children in the house, put up some wall charts to help them remember what to do in the mornings, habits such as cleaning teeth and brushing hair can be taught at a very young age.

Planning your weekly meals may seem a little over the top, but the stress it can save is not to be underestimated! It can also mean just one visit to the supermarket for a big shop once a week, rather than several trips, taking up precious free time on a daily basis. There are hundreds of cookbooks with recipes for quick nutritious meals, or they can be found online.
If there is one specific evening a week where the family are busy, make that treat night with a take away or a ready meal such as pizza.
Make time for the family to be together. It is difficult to plan everybody’s time so that the family can eat together every evening, but try to ensure there is time for a family meal at least once a week. A night in with a family dvd or even a long walk in the park on a weekend, it is all quality time where you get to hopefully, enjoy each others company, and make some lovely memories.

Me time, should not be a luxury, it should be a necessity. Married couples can allow each other one night off a week to see friends, visit family members or just take time for pampering and spending an evening at leisure. Everybody needs to recharge and just have some time being themselves instead of mum, wife and employee. If it is hard to get out of the house, inviting the girls round for a glass of wine and a natter is better than having no social life at all.

Friends are wonderful for taking us away from our routine for a few hours and sharing our troubles and our funny stories, reminding ourselves of the woman behind the daily roles that often define us.

There are twenty four hours in a day, plenty of time to fit in work, family and friends and if you’re really lucky, some quality sleep too.

This is a guest post by Bedstar

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