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Healthy simple meals with eggs

When you are busy and rushing to get something to eat it’s so easy to grab something unhealthy or take it away to fill the gap.

However, dinner times don’t have to take a long time to cook or are overly complicated, in fact sometimes the simplest meals are the tastiest.

Vlogging sisters, Crumbs Food have teamed up with Lion Eggs to show you how to make delicious and fast baked eggs in tomatoes, parmesan and basil, perfect for those rushed lunches or for quick suppers.

If you want to give this a go all you need is:

  • cherry tomatoes
  • red pepper
  • basil
  • olive oil
  • black pepper
  • parmesan
  • garlic
  • 2 eggs

Eggs are one of the most nutritious foods money can buy and are a natural source of many nutrients including high-quality protein, vitamins and minerals. They’re also super quick to prepare meals with! The days of the egg’s just being eaten with bread soldiers or scrambled are long forgotten about with so many ideas and suggestions out there.

“This is the kind of thing you can really rustle up quickly. Just takes a few minutes to prepare. So it’s perfect for those nights when you’re busy and on the go…They keep you fuller for longer. It’s one of those things you can eat at lunch and you don’t need to stack before dinner time” Crumbs Food

Baked Eggs

For more information and other great meal suggestions simply pop over to for more inspiration for not only snacks and baking but main meals and low-calorie meals, this is a great site for everyone to find a recipe to suit them. If you are after more savoury meal suggestions, why not check out some more of our recipes on the blog.

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