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How to encourage good study habits in your child

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Encouraging a child to study can be one of the most difficult tasks for a parent. On top of giving them a comfortable childhood with all the luxuries available, the responsibility of also teaching them to work hard and study also falls on parents. Your child may enjoy school and the teachers, but once they get home, they just want to play on their tablets or stay out with friends. This in moderation is fine as long as studies are prioritised. So as a parent, what can you do to help your child study better at home? Here is some advice from a prep school in Lucton on how to encourage your child to pick up good study habits.

Create a designated work space for your child to complete their work on. The dining table and a bed are not ideal places for a child to study as they are surrounded by distraction. Incorrect back support can lead to your child wanting to lay back and be lazy whilst sitting on the dining table may be too close to noise and other distractions. Find a well-lit place that is quiet and of a comfortable temperature. Set a table and chair at a good height and provide your child with all the tools and stationery they may need. Giving them the responsibility of taking care of this area and decorating it gives them a sense of freedom as it is a space only for them.

Keep a planner on hand. Time management is an important factor in life as well as for students. Teach your child how to keep a planner to track the homework they are doing. Have them write down important dates so they know when things are due and how long certain tasks may take. This will teach them how to prioritise and organise their workload better. Bigger tasks can be spread over a period of time to make it easier on your child. This can remove anxiety and stress in students who lack the confidence in completing their work in time. This also means your child is less likely to cram their work the night before.

Teach your child to ask for help. Most of the time students feel as though school work and homework depends completely on them. Whilst this is true, it is important for the child to know that they are able to ask for help whenever they need it. Teach your child how to bring up challenges early with their teachers so they are able to get the help they need in time.

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