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Mummy Vs Work 2025 And Beyond

Mummy Vs Work 2025 And Beyond

It is almost the end of the year and in some way, it feels as though the end of an era. Mummy Vs Work started as a hobby back in 2011 and I never would have thought it would still be here today, let alone be what it is today.

2025 has been a tough year in the blogging world with the Google algorithm changes which has hit so many bloggers hard. Suppose you don’t keep up with the news such as that (to be fair, I wouldn’t if I didn’t blog!) it meant a lot of sites lost the traffic they had worked hard for overnight. When people were searching for things that they had articles on, they dropped off the front page to things such as Reddit and forums taking their place. Now it may not mean anything for most but to those people, it was their income and their passion taken out overnight.

But many have either stepped away completely or are trying to work things out like we are on our food blog, hoping that things we have worked hard on pick back up.

Then my attention changes back to Mummy Vs Work, this year has been very quiet in comparison to previous years and that is down to a combination of things such as life being busy, a new job and the kids now grown up to a point where I have to take their thoughts and opinions into consideration. Kayleigh turned 16 this year and Ethan is a teenager, they no longer want their face on the screen as much or me to be discussing things that may be happening to them.

So where does that leave this Mummy Vs Work?

Exactly where it is!

We may not be sharing personal situations as the kids navigate exam season, work experience, and college applications. That doesn’t stop us from sharing tips on how to navigate a changing life as a parent, any little wisdom nuggets we have picked up along the way or how it feels to parent teens. After all, it is a very different parenting style now from when we started all those years ago.

I will be going back to our meal planning posts as I try to get us back on track with our meals but also offer a little inspiration to those reading, we don’t tend to share our recipes on here any more but make sure you check out our food blog if you want some great family recipes. Then I plan to share more on lifestyle and our home, with our garden renovation done we are going to be enjoying that but looking forward to growing our own fruit and veg again, you will be coming on that journey too.

There is still lots to come from us and I can’t wait to get back to blogging in the new year, for now though, we are winding down for the Christmas break and spending enjoying the lazier days and good food together. From everyone in the Mummy Vs Work household. we hope you have a very Merry Christmas and that 2025 is a great year for you all.

Mummy Vs Work 2025 And Beyond