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Mummy Vs Work’s top 5 Christmas adverts

I love the festive season and am the person you find buying Christmas candles and treats in November, in fact as soon as Halloween ends it becomes Christmas time in this household.

So I love nothing more than watching the Christmas adverts coming up on the TV!

This year John Lewis haven’t let us down yet with their advert and lots of people see it as the start of Christmas. So on Mummy Vs Work we decided to pick our all time top 5 Christmas adverts to help you get into that festive spirit!

Number 5 – This for me was a great advert by John Lewis and it has just made it into the top 5!

Number 4 – Sainsburys came up with an advert that made everyone stop and think about life and what happens around you with this advert.



Number 3 – As a kid you waited for the sound of Toys ‘r’ us advert to come on and see what the toys they were promoting, even now I love the song.



Number 2 – This is the classic and it was in the running for number 1 but just got piped to the post!



Number 1 – John Lewis nailed it on the head with this advert for me. I love Christmas, not for the gifts I receive but for the gift of giving and spending it with family so this is my all time favourite!


What is your favourite Christmas advert of all time?

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