Mummy vs Work: Streamline Your Life (We Use Cookies)

My Baby is becoming a boy!

We are fast approaching Christmas, how scary is that?!

But even scary is my baby is starting pre-school in a little over 15 weeks…. where has the time gone?

With Ethan due to start pre-school it just reminds me of how quick life passes you by but also how expensive its now going to become!

First up is the school uniforms, now we’ve been fortunate enough to have had some to review some however with two little ones (one very adventurous one!) it is always good to keep a spare set. A friend of mine recently recommended Marks & Spencers school uniform as she thought it was great quality for the price you pay. So I think I will give them a visit online in the next few weeks and take advantage of the Marks and Spencers voucher codes around.

Another huge cost is the school shoes. If Ethan is like Kayleigh they are going to go through so many pairs between them. Luckily for me I have my store but I am also going to keep an eye on Clarks and try and use a Clarks discount code where I can to save me a few pennies and put them aside ready for the holes they put in their shoes!

One thing I am looking forward to though is seeing Ethan’s face light up as he heads into school. He loves going to visit the pre-school and he is so bright that he just wants to learn and interact. It really is lovely seeing him develop into this little boy not a baby but at the same time sad that those days are now gone.

Just yesterday Kayleigh and Ethan were singing Twinkle Twinkle together for the first time. It was lovely to see how far he has come over the last few months and makes me so much more aware of how much he can develop in the next 6 months!

A new chapter is going to begin.

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