Mummy vs Work: Streamline Your Life (We Use Cookies)

Our week in one picture – 11/08/19

Our week in one picture – 11/08/19

I have a total of 1 picture taken to use in this weeks post.

The last week has been really busy with new ceilings going up and various other building work going on, however on our time off we’ve been playing a bit of WoW Classic.

World of Warcraft is a massive online multiplayer game and we have played it for years, however, over the years, it has moved away from its original gameplay.

Blizzard, the company who owns WoW, have finally answered the request of original players though and are just about to launch Classic. The beta testing has been going on this week with a launch due at the end of the month.

We can’t wait to give it a go and stream along the way. For now though, here is my only picture from the week!

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