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Our weekly meal plan – 04/06/2018

Our weekly meal plan – 04/06/2018

Good morning and welcome back to our meal plan for this week. There is lots of changes ahead this week as I am starting a new job today (nervous times!).

We are going easy mode for our meals this week to save added stress! Over the last month or so we have been freezing our leftovers and now have a pretty impressive selection to pick from.

I am a big fan of not wasting food, so whether it be using it for lunches or freezing for another day. Why throw it away? It is saving us cash and food at the same time!

So, all the meals we are cooking this week are already prepared and in the freezer. Here is what we are cooking this week:

Monday –

Chicken Rogan – This is made using the our beef rogan recipe, just switching out the meats.

Tuesday –.

Pulled pork burritos – I had this at work a few weeks back and until then I had never thought about using our pulled pork. Simply made with pulled pork, onions, peppers and rice it is amazing. We are using leftover pulled pork from our slow cooker recipe.

Wednesday –

Campfire stew and wedges – Love this recipe and it is delicious! You can view the original recipe over on Pinch of Nom.

Thursday –

Keema curry – Super simple but very tasty!

Friday –

Chilli burritos – Again delicious, simply add chilli con carne to rice and into some wraps for a quick dinner.

Saturday –

Fish & chips – We have a few bits of fish in the freezer but I’m not sure which one we will have until the day.

Sunday –

Sunday roast – This again will be dependant on what we can get when I do the shopping.

One thing I love about this week’s meal plan is the lack of stress that we should have, with so many meals frozen in the freezer it is going to make life so much easier this week.

If you are after inspiration, don’t forget to check out the other meal plans here.

Our weekly meal plan 04/06/18

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